September 23, 2004

Todd Snider

Just for my introductory post of info that isn't on this site, I thought I'd start out with something I am an avid fan of, music. My listening tastes cover all grounds (Pantera, Tupac, Sinatra, Ben Harper, Tool, Mushroomhead, the Ying Yang Twins, Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Evenescence, Lacuna Coil, System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Alice In Chains, the Union Underground.....)

I have an artist I am a huge fan of, by the name of Todd Snider. He is an alternative country/folk/rock singer/songwriter (say that ten times fast). Man will write lyrics that will make you laugh, then turn around and write something that will make you cry. Has a slight resemblance vocally to Tom Petty, but his background music leans toward country.

My favorite album of his is "Happy to be Here." Its by far the best CD of his that I've listened to, although I don't have his entire collection as of yet. Keep Off The Grass is a harmonica laden song that is representative of his more upbeat and humorous style. Another stand-out song on the disk is Just In Case, a song about signing a pre-nuptual agreement. "I didn't think, that you would mind, here dumplin, sign this dotted line, whats yours is yours, and what is mine will always be mine... just in case." The Ballad of the Devil's Backbone Tavern is another good, upbeat song, about playing music and drinking beer with old women who own dive bars.

The title track, Happy to Be Here is a song that more people need to pay attention to. It has a bit of a rant on something most of us can relate to. "Seems some politician got busted for something that won't make any difference to me. I'm sure its all true, and I'm tired of this too, but I can't pray for someone to fall. I'll let all them people do what people do, I'm just happy to be here at all."

If your in the mood for sad songs, give a listen to Lonely Girl or Missing You. Both songs have deep lyrics, although there is a population out there that will complain its whiny, and start singing in a southern drawl that thier dog just died. I have no prob if you don't like it, just don't complain to me about it. I'll still listen to it.

The songs I mentioned I could find links to samples on his record companies website, I put links to. His music is hard to find in most stores, I just picked up his most recent cd from Best Buy, and with my purchase of that one disk, they are now sold out of all his cd's. Might be easier to just try Amazon.


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