September 12, 2005

Anti-Rape Condom

This has to be one of the greatest, and scariest things ever invented.

A doctor has created a female condom, that is designed to be an anti-rape device. The thing not only protects against pregnancy and std's... but it also attaches itself onto an attackers willie, and can only be surgically removed. Its also theoretically supposed to be intensely painful.

I must say, I love the idea of this thing. For a woman to be able to give herself an line of defense like this against rape is great. There are a few dumbfucks who think it is cruel and inhumane, but what the hell is more cruel and inhumane than rape? That's the most common form of human torture, and physical and mental anguish crimes known to man. The attacker deserves the pain of this thing. Hell, I'd make it part of their prison sentence to wear it.

I do have some problems with this one though.

The article it came from already stated one of them: if an attacker gets caught with this one, will they then turn more violent on the woman? Possibly. The woman would probably take that into account as to what is scarier to her, rape and possibly getting aids, or the attack from someone enraged from an attempted rape.

Another situation is what if your a guy who is out, and hooks up with some girl. You've both been drinking, and end up going home with each other. She's wearing the anti-rape condom. She forgets she is wearing it, and you both go to have consentual sex. That would suck.

Another problem. Criminals are always informed on trends. They hear about guys getting their peckers mutilated by this thing. So, if the condom can go on, it can come out. So, they simply test with their fingers first, and if they find one... pull it out.

What really sucks though, is we live in a world where something like this is actually a necessary invention.


Blogger Michael said...

worn at all times. wearing one (according to the article) is similar in feeling to wearing a tampon.

The condem has been tested on women, but not on any men (as no guy in his right mind would wanna get their winky mutilated.)

Tue Sep 13, 11:37:00 AM CDT  
Blogger swisslet said...

I don't get it. What does the woman do? wear the thing all the time, then when she's attacked, she what?

1) remains silent and takes the attack, knowing that the guy's knob will get mutilated

2) tells the guy that she has one in, and gives him the choice.

Surely either way she gets sexually assaulted? Or if rapists decide to believe number 2 is true, then you don't need to bother wearing one, do you? Or said rapist checks, takes it out, rapes you anyway.

I don't see how this would work on any level. Invented by a man?


Tue Sep 13, 02:34:00 PM CDT  

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