December 26, 2004


I felt a burning desire to post on something, but I lacked something to post on. Then, while watching the evening news, I saw something I could post on, the box office results from the weekend. As most don't know, I have a very eclectic taste in movies, and a disdain for most popular actors and actresses. So, when I list the "top" movies of this weekend, it adds to the destruction.

  1. Meet the Fockers - I cannot describe how little humor I find in Ben Stiller. Something About Mary had two redeeming actors: Chris Eliot and the guy who played Mary's brother. Ben Stiller's character brought me no laughs during that movie. I've tried watching other movies he's been in, and couldn't stomach them. Robert DeNiro, who I love as a serious actor, has no business being in a comedy. I would like to slap him across the face for his role in Analyze this, which somehow got a sequal. Barbara Streisand I don't even think I need to add commentary on. Dustin Hoffman hasn't played a good role since Rainman. I haven't seen this movie, or the first one. I give it the finger.
  2. Fat Albert - Just what we needed, to bring yet another 70's era cartoon or tv show to movie format. After the success of the Brady Bunch movie, we were blessed with Starsky and Hutch (didn't see, heard was bad), Scooby Doo (same), Josie and the Pussycats (same), along with a few movies like shaft. They all bring in some money, but, all in all, aren't all that good. Now, it happens with Fat Albert. An hour and a half of fat jokes and mush mouth. Oh boy. This movie is as original as sliced bread.
  3. Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortuneate Events - I really, really, really dislike Jim Carey. Every character he plays is another version of Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. I remember trying to watch "The Cable Guy" years ago. I was told it was funny. I didn't find him, or Ben Stiller funny. I shut it off and hit rewind after 40 minutes. Thing is... this movie looks dark and twisted enough to be funny. Plus, I think he actually might be subdued enough for me to not picture those damn hawaiin shirts from his younger characters. This movie, gets... a rental.
  4. The Aviator - Leonardo DiCaprio. Him, I don't like. Why? He was in Titanic. Anyone related to that movie is no good thereafter, until they redeem themselves in my eyes. This movie may be his redemption. Why? He plays Howard Hughs. Howard Hughs was a total nutjob. He became famous. He became a billionaire. He bought Vegas. He became crazier. He died on some tropical island with 3 foot long hair, 9 inch nails (literally), and needles broke off in his arms from his poor medical care. I must see this movie. This movie gets a purchase when it comes out, maybe even a theatre visit.
  5. Ocean's Twelve - Cast of overpriced bad actors who got where they are cuz they are pretty. No thanks. Besides, its a sequel, to a remake, that starred the rat pack. Not exactly the makings of a great movie. This one gets a "I'll see it as a rerun on USA at 3am in 5 years."


Blogger gregor said...

"A Series of Unfortunate Events" is the first movie with Jim Carey I've seen where he doesn't play Jim Carey. He was, in a word, brilliant. He should play dark roles more often, they suit him...
Overall, a great movie, strayed a bit from the books it was based upon, but aside from that, most entertaining. Very dark, very, very goth...

Mon Dec 27, 12:30:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

Interesting. Definately peaks my interest a little bit more with the endorsement. I can see him playing a good dark character, a lot of good acting comedians like him are capable of it (Robin Williams comes to mind.) Carey just got cast a few too many times in that Ace Ventura/The Mask type role for a while. He's expanded in later years, but I already abandoned the guy.

Mon Dec 27, 04:20:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

Break out the blog cannons, time for attack!!!

Heehee. Just kidding. No internet wars. I'm always open to suggestion, and as long as Jim Carey doesn't act like Ace Ventura I think I can deal with him. I know I've seen snippets of him acting and not being that character he's been typecast as forever and he's actually a good actor. I'll try to catch that movie one day, and if I don't like it, I'll hunt find your blog, and just post on your most recent post "dumb."

Yeah. Thats it.

Oh, and thanks for the compliment on my little space here. I try my best to amuse.

Sat Jan 01, 03:12:00 PM CST  

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