April 25, 2005

Little Girls Take Steroids to be Pretty

Oh yes, that is what the study says. Little girls as young as 9 use steroids. Since the blogosphere is loaded with three types of people: people like me, who just rant about stuff; Republicans who think they will get some sort of syndicated column by spouting off on a blog about Liberals who don't do a thing that they claim; and little girls who complain about how life is bad and that they kissed Timmy and Rebecca and Jenny are being bitches and Colin Farrel is so hot. It is to the third, boldfaced group, that I am addressing after this quote from the article.
In teenage girls, the side effects from taking male sex hormones can include severe acne, smaller breasts, deeper voice, irregular periods, excess facial and body hair, depression, paranoia and the fits of anger dubbed ``roid rage.''
This response is coming from the mind of a 28 year old heterosexual man. The last woman I would want to date, is a woman with severe acne, small boobs, a deep manly voice, excess body hair (back and boobs), a 5 o'clock shadow worse than Fred Flintstones, that is depressed, paranoid, and mean.

You will be 10 billion times prettier, more beautiful, sexier, attractive, etc. if you are a heavier than the damn waifs they show on TV and in magazines. Most models are disgustingly thin, and when you see one in person you know how doctored the photos are, and you want to force feed them large, greasy sandwiches since they look so malnourished.

In fact, guys like a girl that can sit down and eat something besides a piece of lettuce and some tofu. If the woman can sit down and eat a bunch of hot wings and put back a 6 pack of beer, I'm all the more attracted to her.

Fuck the magazines, fuck TV, fuck movies. Its all a damn lie that no one can live up to. Even the people in the shit don't look the part in real life.


Blogger The MilkMaid said...

i have no idea how old u r, but i think that plays into a persons definition of beauty and whats sexy. i know my definitions have changed as i have gotten older. i am by no means a walking 2x4---as i like to call those really skinny chics. One time i was walmarting and a 2x4 cruised passed me...as i was cranking my neck in disbelief i mumbled too loudly "eat a steak honey!" :) so THANKS!

Tue Apr 26, 06:39:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Matt said...

dude, fuck life. i second what you said. the difference between skinny women and curvy women is the same as the difference between monet's, women bathers in oil and the little stick people my grandma draws on her stationary. the women bathers kind of give me a boner, the stick figures dont.

Tue Apr 26, 10:16:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

Ok, various replies and such to a variety of people...

Tasha - I'm 28. And I would agree that age has completely changed my definition of beauty.

Matt - like the anology there. LOL.

Lisa - you have an austin powers chest and a voice like barry white?!?!?! Lay off the roids girl before you get a ZZTop beard.

Tue Apr 26, 03:30:00 PM CDT  

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