May 24, 2005

Those Stem Cells

(I stoldid this article from the Democratic Goddesses)

Once again, stem cell research is up for law changing. dubs vows to veto any bill that goes through to advance the research. The house AND the senate, both Republican controlled, favor it. The bill passed the house today.

The bill would allow stem cell's to be removed from excess, unused embryos from fertility clinics. The embryos are destroyed during the process. The objection is that it is taking a life, by destroying the embryo.

So, instead of destroying the embryo to possibly find cures for uncurable diseases, we keep them frozen, until they get thrown out. Destroyed. Yes, all those embryos that dubs is against killing will just get pitched in the garbage. Even if they don't, you can't keep an embryo frozen forever.

Where are all the people in line to get those random embryos emplanted in them so they can give birth to those children? C'mon, its the good Christian thing to do. Use your ability to give birth to save all those innocent babies. Get in line and say "I'm Christian, and I am proud of that. The death of one of those embryos is the death of a baby to me. Implant me with them till I can bear children no more."

I still don't see a line forming...


Blogger Matt said...

I heard about this on the radio last night and planned on writing about it myself today. Our government is so screwed up right now. While we are throwing throwing these embryos in the garbage on some strange illogical moral ground, the koreans, the chineese, the whole world, is going to pass us up, discover the cure to cancer or something. Our leaders are blatently halting the advancement of scientific progress. This is out of control. Stem cell research is the least of our moral concerns in this country!

Wed May 25, 09:18:00 AM CDT  
Blogger The MilkMaid said...

i dont believe in wasting things. and if unused embryos r getting distroyed anyways...let em do their research. itll only benefit everyone. i will never understand y the government thinks it has a say in what a woman does with her body....whether she wants kids, doesnt want kids etc. its like making laws to prevent gays from marrying. it certainly doesnt take two gays to desanctify a marriage.......

Wed May 25, 10:12:00 AM CDT  

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