May 23, 2005

Viagra For All

Who do you think would be the last group of people you would want to have Viagra? I know many of you would agree that Bob Dole on viagra was disgusting. This is far worse. This is Michael Jackson on viagra bad.

Sex offenders in prison get Viagra for free!!! Yes, old rapists and child molesters can fix their erectile disfunction for free. This is a great group to have running around with a chemically produced hard on that won't go away. They should probably get a pill a day, to keep their libido's up and running, so they can provide their services to the world.

Hillary "Dennis Rodman" Clinton is supporting a bill that would stop this. She's against giving these men who just wanna love stuff fuel for the fire of their loins. By my observations, anything Hillary is for, Republicans are against. So... dubs, big Dick, and all the conservatives want to give Viagra to inmates. I haven't come across any Republican opinions on this one, so it is just an educated guess.


Blogger Pandorasfoxx said...

I'm a republican and I think that is ludicrous...for once, I agree with the head biotch

Tue May 24, 04:56:00 AM CDT  
Blogger The MilkMaid said...

i think jails r too easy on the inmates that inhabit them. uve done a crime and go to a place that provides free food, shelter, and medical. wtf. i have an email forwarded to me about a sheriff in arizona and how he runs his jail.......THAT is how it needs to b done!!

Wed May 25, 10:05:00 AM CDT  

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