October 18, 2005

HIV Getting Weaker?

Scientists have recently done a test, comparing like strains and types of HIV from patients taken in the late eighties to ones from the early 2000's. The virus in the eighties multiplied much faster than the current one.

What does this mean? Its getting weaker. The virus is evolving into a retro-virus that one day, might possibly not kill the host. The article states that human's already carry many retro-virus's that have been with us for millenia, that don't harm us at all. It makes sense that HIV may be doing the same thing.

In order for a virus to survive, it needs to incubate in a host for as long as possible. It doesn't want to kill the host, because then it loses its breeding ground. So, therefore by natural selection, the weak survives in a sense. Those who can carry the virus longer, pass on more.

Scientists don't know for certain if this will come true, and if its a matter of decades or centuries. All current evidence does point to the shorter though... decades.


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