January 06, 2006

Celebrity Look Alikes

So, I checked out this website that for free will take a picture of your face, and compare it with a database of 2400 celebrities, and tell you what percent of facial features you share with some from the list (highest of course get shown). If you ask a high school girl, I get Jack Black. If you ask some 28 year old stoner, you might get Jack White. Not on this database.

First I ran it with a recent photo, with the long hair...
  1. 68% River Phoenix
  2. 61% Dave Grohl
  3. 52% Avril Lavigne
  4. 45% Al Pacino
  5. 43% Gilles Villeneuve
  6. 42% Curt Cobain
  7. 41% Andrew Lloyd Webber
  8. 39% Audrey Hepburn
  9. 38% Thomas Edison
  10. 38% Rod Laver
Then, I ran it again, with a two year old picture, when I shaved my head...
  1. 54% James Horner
  2. 49% Magic Johnson
  3. 45% Mikhail Saakashvili
  4. 44% Isabelle Huppert
  5. 43% Al Capone
  6. 39% Lech Walesa
  7. 39% Barack Obama
  8. 38% James Prescott Joule
  9. 38% Jason Donovan
  10. 38% Johnny Ramone

So, who do you folks look like?
(go here and find out)


Blogger swisslet said...

River Phoenix and Dave Grohl you have to be happy with, right?

Isabelle Huppert though? I have to say I don't see that!

Mind you, I came out with bits of Elton John and Danny De Vito, so I have to tell you I don't trust this damn thing one bit.


Fri Jan 06, 05:57:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

Happy with River Phoenix and Dave Grohl... yes, most definately. I'm even happy with Avril and Al Pacino. In fact, most of the with hair list I like. Most of the shaved head I don't, which leads me to one conclusion...

I look much better with the long hair.

Fri Jan 06, 06:53:00 PM CST  

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