October 08, 2004

Poke Me, Prod Me, Look at my Underwear

Today, I felt like an underwear model. Saw doc, nurse had me disrobe and put on the infamous gown. Of course they didn't have any big ones, so it was a bit tight. Doc came in, I told him the usual long list of my symptoms. He gave the confused doctor, I have no fucking clue what wrong with you look, then proceded to do the usual, poking, prodding and such.

Eventually it was off with the gown, and walk around, do stupid turns, feet certain way. Quite fun. I felt like a damn underwear model. He then did some sort of idiotic strength test on me. Had me hold our arms, legs, and hands in certain ways, and he would try to move them. Was cute seeing this 5'7" 150 pound guy try to get my arms and legs to move (I'm 6' 240 pounds). I'll just say, he didn't move me. I almost don't think it would have been possible for him to move me.

He then sent me for some X-rays on my ribs and and spine. That was fun. I think I got X rayed so many times today my sperm are dead. I could have sex with 50 women and not worry about any of them getting pregnant. The X ray tech was an older woman. Cool lady, bs'd with her while i was, once again, in a hospital gown. I do find it conveniant that when they need you to lay on your side, its with your ass facing out. She checked out my bum. Kinda touched it once too when "positioning" me. No biggie. As long as it didn't involve shoving anything inside of it, I'm cool.

So, now I have for two and a half weeks for my next appointment. Yes, I love our medical system. We need ten thousand more docs in this damn country. We need to start importing some more.


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