October 06, 2004

Sexual Orgies Eliminate Social Tensions and Ought to be Encouraged

Thats what conservative Supreme Court Justice of the United States, Antonin Scalia said. I have to agree. I think if more people got it on, in large groups, that the world would be a much more happy, and loving place. Such insight is spectacular. So, everyone, one and all, get together with a bunch of people, and have an orgy. Its encouraged by the highest court in our land.

Actually, the entire statement was a tongue in cheek joke by Antonin Scalia. He's ultra conservative, and doesn't support people having orgies. He said it to get some laughs, and to make a point. Although he doesn't approve of orgies, and feels they are immoral, he is against any legislation banning orgies. He doesn't approve of the way the supreme court is being called on to make moral decisions, since they are no greater judge of morals than anyone else.

I am on the liberal end of the spectrum, and reading that statement made me laugh, and gave me a lot of respect for him. Too many people are trying to force their morals on others nowadays. I'm glad we have someone like him on the court, that has strong moral convictions, but isn't going to use his position of authority to force them on others. Most people have difficulty viewing the line between immoral and harmless, and immoral and harmful. Murder, theft, and rape are immoral and harmful. Sex, homosexuality, and foul language are immoral, but don't hurt anyone.
(note: rape and sex are different things. Statatory rape and sex are different things. Child Molestation and sex are different things.)


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