November 06, 2004

Alkamahol - Cognac and Grappa and Beer (not at the same time)

Tonight was alcohol sampler night at my parents house. Family got together, Dad, Mom, Two brothers, Brother-In-Law, and myself, and went out to dinner to celebrate my Dad's birthday. After dinner, was sampler night, mostly for me.

My brother brought over this bottle of Cognac my dad got from a guy he worked with many many years ago, when my brother was born. It was over 21 years old when my Dad got it, and my brother is now 31. So, its well aged. Stuff would probably go for $50+ a shot. Had a little bit of that and might I say... YUMMY!!! It had an aftertaste that was reminiscent of a good humidor, as odd as that may sound. Wonderful oaky flavor.

Next up, grappa. Other brother bought a bottle of grappa at the liquor store, simply because we encountered it. For those who don't know grappa, it is an interesting alcohol. It is made from a second pressing of the grapes during the wine making process. The resulting juice and pulp is fermented, then distilled, producing a strong alcohol. The grappa we had was 90 proof. Its crystal clear. Grappa, since it is made from grapes, is in the same family of alcohol as cognac and brandy. It can be drank as a shot or as a stiff drink, but it is most commonly drank in a cup of espresso. So, I made some. Really does go well with the espresso too. Its better as a small amount, about a teaspoon to an itty bitty cup.

After that, my brother who bought the grappa handed off a beer to me that he wanted me to try, that he purchased with the grappa. The beer is called Blu Creek Blueberry Ale. Fascinating beer. They use wild blueberries in the ale, to give it a slight blueberry flavor. The beer itself is very light and refreshing. It is a medium colored ale, possibly due to the addition of the blueberry, but very light and smooth in flavor, without a hint of bitterness. I was surprised at the balance, since I am normally not too fond of fruit and beer, save belgian white ales.

Thought I'd throw in, no, I am not drunk. A shot of cognac, a shot of grappa, and a beer isn't quite enough to do that. It is enough to bring a smile and to satisfy the pallette.


Blogger noe said...

i had a great blueberry ale in maine this summer, i love the barely there hint of blueberries, quite tasty! sampling new drinks is always fun! that's all i have to say about that. the end :)

Sun Nov 07, 09:18:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

Amazing thing is, the beer says they use wild Maine blueberries...

Sun Nov 07, 09:21:00 PM CST  

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