April 13, 2005

Original Axis of Evil

(Pardon me for a moment, for a brief serious writing.)

When reading the news, it is important to see the story from all sides. To only accept one viewpoint condemns an indivdual to a partisan view. Only by seeing an issue from all sides, and making a decision, can a person escape being labeled as ignorant.

In order to get many views, sometimes a less traveled road is needed. One of the websites to get an alternative view on politics and world events is a very non-western newsite, Aljazeera. In a story on the colonization of areas in Africa, the middle east, and far east, shows a much different view.

The lead in for the story is when Prince Harry wore a Nazi costume to a party. The incident made headlines all over the western world. The costume Prince William wore never made any headlines. He was wearing a Zulu tribesman costume.

For those who are unaware, the Zulu's were slaughtered by British colonialists in South Africa. Wearing a Zulu costume is the same level as wearing a Star on ones arm marking them as being Jewish during the rein of Hitler in Germany. Yet it received no mention in Western news.

The past is something that is done, and changes cannot be made. People have been oppressed and killed in many cultures around the world. Eternal damnation is not what a nation should endure. That nation should take full acknowledgement of its actions, and remember them so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.



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