April 09, 2005

2 Web Pages

NakeDan the Handyman - This is scary. You can hire "NakeDan" to do work, be a butler, whatever. He'll come over and do it... nekkid.

WarriorWeb - The Ultimate Warrior isn't just a washed up wrestler, he is also a Republican. In typical Republican fashion, he spends all his time laying out insults, even to other Republicans. Guess that's what you do when your wrestling career is over, and your an old, bitter, white man: you join the Republican Party.

I read some of the forums, and its the usual. College turns people into liberals, liberals only react on emotions... I hate to break this to ya, but education teaches you how to dissect information, and find the value. That turns you into a liberal. As far as playing on emotions, what do you call the Terry Schiavo led Republican fight? Playing on fears: what do you call the constant referances of 9/11 and terrorism in every dubs speech? My favorite is that all liberals are anti-American, because we exercise our right to free speech.

Sad thing is, they don't see it for themselves. I will admit, I do have a lot of respect for some Republicans. Some think clearly, and express thier views. Sometimes they make a lot of sense. Too bad it seems that more and more are only about name calling.

Looks like my two website post turned into a political tangent.


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