May 05, 2005

More of That "Junk Science"

Once again, Darwin is on trial. It seems being taught the scientific theory of evolution is polluting the world, and destroying everything we know. Why? Because we won't teach children christianities creationism (which would be a religious theory) in classrooms.

Guess what? If you as a person want to believe in creationism, feel free. If you want to believe in evolution, feel free. Public schools should not be able to pick a religion to teach. Simply put, creationism is religion. Teach your children that. Spend time with them, read them the bible, but don't expect your public school to do so. Not every person is christian, and our public schools are supposed to be unbiased and accessable to everyone.

If Christian theology is taught, then Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, and every other religion needs to be taught as well.

For those who do believe in creationism, and think evolution is junk science, an atheist thinks of creationism this way...

(I am recalling a George Carlin joke to the best of my memory here)
So, what you want me to believe, is that there is an invisible man. Who lives in the sky. He knows all, sees all, and is all powerful. He created everything around us. If you do what he says, he takes you to this place called heaven in the sky. If you don't, and are bad, you will be sent to hell where you will burn, and suffer, and be in pain, and agony, and in fire, and smoke for eternity... BUT... he loves you.

Creationism is all faith. It may be 100% accurate. Evolution may be 100% accurate. As far as scientific evidence shows, evolution is more accurate. Some people believe that sacrificing a goat will bring rain. They have 100% faith it will. Should we teach that too? If its not raining go kill a goat?

Christian beliefs are great. Use those beliefs to bring your family together. Teach your children your beliefs. Get close to them. Be a loving parent. Don't fall back on school to teach your children everything. Wouldn't you rather have your child learn about religion from someone who firmly believes it, not a teacher who may or may not believe in creationism?

Teachers though, when teaching the theory of evolution, make sure you explain what a theory is, that it is not known if it is true or not. That it is just a guess based on scientific evidence. The Bible just could be right.


Blogger The MilkMaid said...

lemme guess that the ppl bitchin about this are either the "bible thumpers" saying that kids need to hear the other side of things or its a bunch of parents who havent spent any time with their kids and their school work who r finally piping in??? if parents took a more active role in their kids education maybe this bullshit wouldnt b happening!! whatever happened to reading, writing and math??? whatever happened to kids being failed b/c they couldnt cut the work???....maybe thats y there are soooo many idiots running around....lets think about this seriously for a many times have u been at a checkout and the cashier has keyed in something wrong and can NOT count back change to u??? they stand there befuddled and call for the manager. hmmm, perhaps we should b less concerned over darwins theories and concentrate more on the basics???????

Thu May 05, 11:00:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Matt said...

yeah tasha & trp--I agree, we have some pretty lame people as a result of public schools. Me being one of them. We probably shouldn't teach creation science in school, but without an understanding of why it is we are here on earth, without at least an elementary probe into the meaning of life, people's life's aren't even worth living. It would be nice if someone would count back the correct change at the Gap, wouldn't it also be cool though if people cared more about thier purpose in the universe than counting the money in thier bank accounts. You can't ask a bigger question than our orgin. I dont know about you, but math and grammer bored the hell out of me in school. I probably would have done better in school if someone would have told me it was important to ask what kind of creature I actually was. if it were up to me there would only be two subjects. Sex ed and orgin science.

Fri May 06, 09:09:00 PM CDT  

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