October 23, 2005

Bonfire of the Vanities

I rarely share stories involving people I know, but today, I shall make an exception... although all names will be withheld.

A week ago, one of my friends was partying at a cabin in Michigan. On occasion, he gets drunk and just sort of... flies off the handle and does really crazy shit. Last weekend was one of them.

In his alcohol induced stupor, he thought it would be cool to jump into Lake Michigan while they were having a bonfire at the beach. (the water temp is probably in the 50's now, maybe low 60's... i.e. COLD) So, he stripped his 300 pound frame of everything except his shoes and boxers, and dove in.

He quickly ran out and ran over to the bonfire. He put his ass to the fire, and dropped his boxers. He then turned around, and tried to warm up (what remained after the cold water) of his manhood. He got a little burnt by the fire, luckily it was his foot.

After warming a bit, he began to dance naked around the bonfire, finishing off by doing a seductive, ass in the face, dance to one of our female friends, while singing "Whatcha gonna do wit all dat ass."

This makes me happy, yet sad, that I had to work last weekend and couldn't go.


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