November 04, 2005

Music Sidebar: Strange Bedfellows

I realized that I hadn't done any updating of music in the sidebar lately, so I decided to go with some odd combo's of musicians. Although I could probably throw a good 50 songs over there, I don't have a) that much free time or b) the amount of online space via free sites. So, you all get three for now.

Eminem and Marilyn Manson - This is more or less a remix of the Eminem song "The Way I Am" done by Manson. It surpasses the original ten fold. The ending result is much grittier and angrier than the original, which fits the mood of the song better. This truly was a match made in... ummm... purgatory?

Rob Zombie and Lionel Richie (and unfortuneately Trina) - Rob manages to turn the Commodores classic "Brickhouse" into this odd, rock meets funk meets porn extravaganza. The fact that he's performing it as a duet with former commodore Lionel Richie makes it just that much better. Too bad Trina the talentless rap artist ruins the end of the song, by doing her worst Lil Kim impersonation.

Tom Jones and The Cardigans - Yes, the biggest pimp of all time, Tom "The Trouser Snake-Bra Collector" Jones covers the Talking Heads classic Burning down the house with the Cardigans. This song is the ultimate in bridging the generation gap, and its kind of catchy too.


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