October 30, 2005

That's Why Kirk Got the Green Chick!!!

Everyone's favorite intergalactic pimp Captain James T. Kirk got all the women on that show. It seemed like all the other's were too occupied with other things to pick up women. Scotty was too worried about getting trashed and getting into bar fights. McCoy was too busy being a doctor not a pimp. Spock thought chasing women was illogical. Czechov got his share, but his moves weren't anywhere near Kirk's.

But why no women for Sulu?

Because, as recently revealed, he prefers the company of men. (In the immortal words of Homer Simpson "Who doesn't?")

No, not in a pleutonic sense. But in a more intimate, loving sense. Yes, Mr. Sulu revealed that he is gay, and has been with the same man for 18 years. *applauds*

He places the discrimination homosexuals face on par with the racial discrimination he's also faced.

"It's against basic decency and what American values stand for," he said.

How true. All men are created equal, and hopefully one day our society will fully reflect that.


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