October 28, 2005

Further Proof of Their Existance

We now have further proof that they live. The added evidence was found in Missour-uh. While chopping wood in the forest, a man came across one of their homes.

He was shocked at his find, decided to steal their home, and run off with it. So, he took his trusty axe, cut it down, and ran accross the Miz-zur-uh countrieside carrying it. A portion of it fell off into a cold creek, which he left abondoned. while continuing on with the other half of the home.

Yes, he found a mushroom house of the elusive SMURFS*!!!!!

Smurfy existance has yet to be proven, but the mushroom did weigh in at 56 pounds.

*Smurf - A blue, humanlike creature, that is three apples tall, and lives in a communist society in government mandated mushroom houses.


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