October 26, 2005

Yeah, We're a Rude Bunch

A survey of Americans, by Americans has determined that we have grown ruder.

I have had the (mis)fortune of working in retail for the past 8 years. I get to deal with the general public on a day to day basis. Through my own personal interactions with people, I can only come to one conclusion...


I've determined a few rules of etiquette for the modern American Society:
  1. If someone says "Thank You" to you, just reply with an "mmmhmmm." It takes too much effort to say "You're Welcome," "No Problem," "Glad I could help," etc.
  2. When in public, you no longer need to control your children. You can let them run amok and destroy anything in their paths, including people. No one else can correct your children of their bad behavior, as they are not their parents, even if they save your child from falling out of the shopping cart and cracking their head open on the floor.
  3. When you fail to read something, or observe the rules, it isn't your fault. No matter what has happened, if someone did not explain to you, in exact details beforehand, it doesn't count.
  4. The rules apply to everyone else, but not yourself, because you are special.
  5. Everyone you talk to about an issue you might have is stupid and ignorant, therefore you should approach them yelling, and not listen to what they say.
  6. If you are shopping, and someone politely says "Hello, did you need help finding anything?" reply using foul language that you are not dumb, and can find things yourself. Then add an insult.
  7. If you are shopping, and are not instantly swarmed by 8 salespeople, yell at the top of your lungs as to why you are not getting serviced.
  8. Lines don't matter, your needs are above everyone elses. Yell if there are people in front of you.
  9. Its never your fault, it's always theirs.
  10. Being old, young, foreign born, domestic born, religious, atheist, ethnic, caucasian, handicapped, ugly, beautiful, sane, insane, hungry, just had a bad day, or any other slight difference between you and another person is reason enough to get you preferential treatment.
That's all I could come up with... for now. I'm sure I missed several thousand.


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