March 21, 2006

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

One of the scariest things that could happen, has been mentioned. You know how dubs is all big on pre-emptive attacking? North Korea says it can pre-pre-empt the US.

Great, now we have Kimmie the Ill running around pointing at the nuclear hard on in his pants, telling dubs he can sodomize him before dubs can take a dump on North Korea.

Then again, maybe g dubs will come up with something new, like "double secret pre-emption" and coin a phrase like "tactical nuckler death rattle" and bring peace through creating a pacific rim atomic wasteland.

Then again, I wouldn't blame him if he did.

Kim Jong Mos Ill just publicly threatened us. Pretty much mentioned it in the same paragraph as he was hinting at North Korea's nuclear capability, and we'll probably sit around and do nothing. Why?

North Korea doesn't have anything we want. There is no money to be made off of conquering North Korea. So, we'll stick to dipolomacy. Unlike Iraq, where they are sitting on a shitload of oil for Halliburton and other companies to profit from.

Just goes to prove, once again. The war in Iraq had nothing to do about a threat to us. It was all about the money. dubs needed some bling for him and his buddies, and to avenge his daddy.

That's what our brother's and sisters, friends, sons and daughters... our family, is over there getting hurt, scarred, and dying for. To increase gross profits and revenge.

I wish it wasn't the case.


Blogger Polyman2 said...

Any guy named Kim with a really bad hair doo has to be scary!
Little George is getting mad, and we can only guess what that means...
maybe he could send some CIA operative in to slip him a Nair micky.

Tue Mar 21, 03:24:00 PM CST  
Blogger Froyd said...

man, I am afraid of Kim Jong Il...he's got nuclear weapons.

I'm afraid of ICBB.

InterContinental Ballistic Bricks.

Wed Mar 22, 01:12:00 PM CST  

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