March 11, 2006

Random Updates

The broken link for that quiz I took the other day is fixed. At least the one to take it. I think I also put the link in the title, just in case. The blame all falls on cut and paste html code.

I am on spring break. So, I get a week of just working. Looking forward to a little relax time, and a lot of time to get caught up on things that have suffered the past eight weeks (like cleaning).

I have killed the musical sidebar. Castpost went from being beta to alpha (yes, a nice backwards move in the development process.) The damn thing crashes when I try to delete a file, let alone upload one. I was going to use it in my next post, but it wasn't gonna work. Then next (although if you read top to bottom, previous) post is me with my really basic html skills toying around. I was gonna have the castpost song player "thingie" next to the album art, but that site has gone to hell.
Well, my own self designed cut and paste html code isn't working either. Its having a bad reaction to the blogger template, that goes beyond my complete understanding. So, more toying for me. Luckily, I like that sort of thing.

*second edit*
Figured it out. Blogger does something bad. Wherever it see's a (return) it inserts an html tag for a hard return, when in html coding, you are SUPPOSED to use returns to make your code readable, and use the appropriate html tags to do the returns. So, THAT is one of the reasons why cut and paste html code has so many issues with blogger. Even if you do all this entering in the edit html thing, it screws it up. So, in other words, DEAR BLOGGER: fix that issue in the edit html thing on the posting screen. That one should be left to advanced users who know how to do some coding.


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