March 04, 2006

Put Your Lights On, Betta Leave Ya Lights On...

Some towns are lit by burning fossil fuels.

Some are powered by clean natural resources, such as hydro electic power, wind, or solar power.

Some are powered by nuclear powerplants.

One day, San Francisco may have its lights partially powered by POOPIES!!!

Yes, by recycling doggie doodoo they are hoping to lower the amount of waste that goes into landfills, and use it to create methane to burn in a turbine, which will be used for electric power.

Dog crap for electricity. Urine to make diesel engines cleaner. Isn't science fun?


Blogger -L said...

Ahhh, good ol' American ingenuity! :)

Sun Mar 05, 12:21:00 PM CST  
Blogger adem said...

powerful stuff...poo that is.

Sun Mar 05, 03:32:00 PM CST  
Blogger Jenni said...

Yay science! Although, no wonder people aren't anxious to invest in alternative energy sources if they are so sh*tty...heh.

Mon Mar 06, 01:40:00 PM CST  

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