June 01, 2006

Dusty Old Cat

There she is. Pic taken today. My dusty old cat, who this month turned 19 years old. Really difficult to get a cat to look at you while taking its picture. It's even worse when said cat is also deaf.

Now... On to the embarassing baby pictures.

Here she is engaged in battle with her best friend, arch enemy, and littermate the Foo Fighter (R.I.P. - b.1987, d.2005). Was daily routine. Sisters are known to have the occasional spat...

Eventually though, the fire of battle would wear them out.

Or the larger FooFighter would prevail. My dusty old kitty was more of the cuddler than the fighter, although she was known to attack and bite my older brother's legs if they were messing with me. Yes, my little kitty used to defend me.

Of course they didn't always fight. Much love between the sisters too.

Always the pretty kitty, seemed like she was posing for the camera nonstop.

Might have even thought she was some sort of a model.

Eventually, she met and made a new friend. My other brother's cat, the wily and ferocious Meeshcat.

Brought out the youth in the dusty old one, and she quickly turned back to her instincts of battle.

Of course as age progressed, she became less prim and proper, and learned to just pass out and be comfortable.

She doesn't have any feline buddies left in the house, as the Meesh moved out years ago. She now likes to poke me in the arm while I'm on the computer wanting attention, yelling MEOW at my mom for food, or attention, or water, or to be let into wherever I am, or just to try to figure out where she is since Dusty Old Cat's are senile. She's also good at waking my dad up for work every morning at 5AM... too bad he doesn't need that service since he retired.

Happy birthday birthmonth Dusty Old Cat.


Blogger Matt said...

Happy Birthday indeed!

Fri Jun 02, 07:52:00 AM CDT  

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