May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Passes Away

One of the top leaders of the Evangelical movement in the US, Jerry Falwell died this morning.

While I disagreed with about 99% of his views, I must commend him. He was honest, spoke his mind, and fought for what he believed in. For that he deserves my respect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um...yeah. I can't respect anyone who opens their mouth and says things like 9/11 was God's way of punishing the US for going along with abortionist and feminist agenda. I have more respect for people who a) aren't insane and b) have the good sense to know when to keep their mouths shut.

I don't wish him ill...he's just not getting any respect from me.

Tue May 15, 09:06:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

I agree he was... not to my liking from a political standpoint.

I simply respect him because he didn't lie, or cover up his opinions like so many other powerful figures do. Also, I'm not one to insult or criticize anyone on the day of their passing.

Tue May 15, 10:09:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Agent Black said...

Did he even end up in some hypocritical scandal like Rush L did with the pain pills? Any hookers and blow? Gay lovers? I never heard of any... You're right that he did appear to stand up for what he believed... And that is a great aspect of character...

But I'm still not sad to see him go....

Wed May 16, 06:02:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

My favorite instance of falwell was his attack on Tinky Winky of the teletubbies, saying he was gay.

Thu May 17, 02:47:00 PM CDT  

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