October 09, 2004

Finding Peace

We all find peace through different activities. It varies from person to person, and situation to situation. For some it is alcohol, some drugs, some sex, some violence, some music, some crying...

I get relaxation from driving. Today, I went for a drive. I didn't start out on one of my drives going nowhere, I had an initial stop. I went to Best Buy to get new music for my drive. I picked up the new Helmet cd, and began my drive. Nothing is more relaxing, than listening to loud music, and driving.

My drives take me down the lesser traveled roads of the area. The roads that are littered with small houses, corn fields, cow pastures, and forests. The greens of summer being removed by the yellows, oranges, and reds of fall. It was sunny, the sky was a pure blue, with the only white in the sky being the vapor trail of a passing jet.

I found peace during my drive. Driving fast through the winding turns, surrounded by the bright and colorful scenary. Feeling the speed of the car as it raced past the outside world. I was seperated from everything. It was just me, the car, and my music. I cleared my mind of all its thoughts, and just drove.

I feel much better now.


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