November 17, 2004

American De-Evolution -- A Twisted Theory

Americans as a whole society are growing inferior at a steady rate. I have no studies to prove or disprove this belief. I have nothing but my logic and observations from my time on this planet. There are many factors in our de-evolution: breeding, education, and ignorance being the major factors. This is all theory, and none of it is 100%. Don't take offense if you fall into a catagory I list. I know people that fall into all these catagories, and while most fit it perfectly, some are far from it.

First off is our society doesn't hold up well to natural selection, and survival of the fittest. Due to declining morals thanks to America's worst generation, the baby boomers, our society suffers. We had a huge boom in population, but that group didn't bother to pass on the morals from previous generations. Thanks to the hippies and free love, teenage pregnancy and STD's dominate the landscape. Thanks to some responding to these problems in an overly conservative way, the problem is expanding. Children of society grow up thinking sex is dirty and a conversation to be avoided at all costs with parents. Teenagers go into sex without knowing all the facts. More education on safe sex and its consequences would benefit this area greatly.

All that increased sex at a younger age, has increased teen pregnancy. A majority, but not all, of that group tend to be the less intelligent of our youth. It isn't necessarily both parents, in most cases it is one. Teen love can make the most intelligent young man or woman a parent in an effort to please their partner, who is the mentally challanged idiot. The resulting child does not get as structured of an upbringing as needed, along with odds are having inferior genes passed on by one of their parents. That child grows up to pass on its genetics and ignorance. This is not all teen pregnancies, there are always exceptions. As a general rule, a structured family of a mother and father who are fully adults is the best for a child. Its not that a single teenage parent can't accomplish bringing up a good child, its just less likely.

Our societies ignorance to many issues is also a key factor to our de-evolution. The issues faced by a family in a major metropolis are far different than those faced by a family in a small town. This ignorance is taught to their children, and their children's children. That is why so many american's are so out of touch with others needs, and what our society truly faces. They follow archaic teachings, that are brought upon them by parents, and other leaders that still see society through 1950's glasses. They are the reason why hate of anyone who has different beliefs as them run so rampant. We have a strong movement of society that refuses to accept a differing viewpoint. Many of us refuse to see the world through someone elses eyes, and believe our views are what is best for all.

We are slowly collapsing as a society. We are breeding less intelligent generations because of our lack of education and following a code of society that no longer fits the present times. Our society needs to face its problems, and make a concious effort to fix them. Government can't do it. Misinforming, or uninforming our youth is progressively making it worse. Spreading hate of those who have different views or values increases the problem. Make a stand. Open your mind. Its the only way we can save our society from growing dumber.


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