January 14, 2005

Video and Cartoons

DreamMail - StrongBad describes his dream e-mail.

Wiccan Book/Amplified Bible - Germaine and Foamy go shopping at a book store for a book on Wicca. Foamy finds an Amplified Bible...

Napoleon Dynamite Dance Loop - The name says it all.....

Tall or Not - Not really a cartoon. A little flash thing that you put your height into, that you can see how you compare in height next to famous people. If anyone wants to know how you stand in stature next to the infamous Mr. Toolbox, I am a massive 5'11", or Anna Nicole Smith.

Car-Tuh-Pult - This thing is sooooo cool. Bored farmers. A car. Said car flung a LONG distance via a trebuljet. I want one.

Dog that Fetches - yeah, big deal, right? Oh no. This dog fetches better than most. This dog fetches.... BEER!!!!!

Dirty Old Man - Dick Cheney checking out Edward's daughter's butt after the debate. I knew I liked Dick Cheney for a reason.

SpongeBong HempPants - Parady of Spongebob Squarepants... Interesting to say the least. (Thanks Garlic Butter)


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