January 08, 2005

No Gnus is Good News Said Gary Gnu

Lake Renamed - A lake near Seattle, WA was originally named Bevis lake. Well, someone in the census bureau got bored and put it in the records differently. They decided to name it... Butt-Head Lake. So now, we have it showing up as Bevis and Butt-Head Lake. Yes. Near Seattle. If time would only go BACK to the early to mid 1990's... (sighs as he misses his flannel)

Rigorous Testing - A consumers group has gone through rigorous testing measures and has put out a list of the best performing, strongest, longest lasting... condoms. This is a great idea. Now, I read how they tested them, but I see the tests as being... incomplete. They need to further the testing a bit. I know how too. Just give me a few gross of condoms, and some test subjects to use them on...

Moral Hooker - So, some guy gets a hooker. The guy gets busted. The hooker turns him in. Not for being a John. Nope. The sicko gets busted for child pornography. What did he think, if he left pics of little kids laying around that someone who is a hooker isn't going to take offense and call the cops? Even hookers have morals you sick bastard. Only you and people like Jacko think of little kids that way. 99% of the population think your sick.

Who did WHAT?!?! - Ok, this story took me a while to comprehend. Its worse than daytime soap operas, meets sci-fi fantasy. I shall explain it in stoner/surfer type talk. Dude thinks his girl is cheating. So, he like, forces her to marry him, then he totally kills the dude shes doing, and his sister. Only thing is, his like, kids totally see it and freaks em out. So like, dude kills them too. So, dude gets, like, the death penalty or something for killing them, but not his kids, cuz like Islamic law says you just gotta pay money to kill your kids. His wife gets the chair or something too for sleeping with the one dude too. So, like, everyone is dead now. Bummer huh?

Save the Dolphins - In tsunami news, a dive team spent several days in a lagoon to find and save one, but not two of the rare dolphins that were swept inland during the devestating tidal wave. I'm all for saving animals, being an animal lover myself, but WTF!!! Who the hell decided that two animals were a higher priority than all the people that could have been helped out during that time?!?!?! Idiots, get the damn priorities straight. Human life first, then the critters.

Overused Words - A list of words that should be banned. Yet another crock of BS. It isn't the words that should be banned, its the people using them. Don't ban the word flip-flop, ban the idiot using it to discribe something that isn't a flip flop. Don't ban the slang "izzle," ban the person trying to sound cool using the slang improperly, too much, or just innappropriately. Thank you, and I approve this message. Go ahead, ban my ass.

Parents Serve Detention - Some kids parents had car trouble, and made them late all week. They felt they were at fault, but the kid got detention anyway. The parents decided they should have detention too. So, they served the detention time with their kid. Great... now the kid got even BIGGER punishment for being late. Detention and mom and dad hanging out with them in detention. Just what they wanted I'm sure. I'm sure that kid is gonna be even more popular at school now.

Too Gross - Now this is the definition of a frivolous lawsuit. Someone is sueing the show fear factor, because they were grossed out when they ate rat in a blender on it. Worms and insects were bad, but rats went "too far." Ummm... We all know that show has a gross out factor to it. If you can't handle it, don't watch. Its that simple. Not to mention, I'm sure that they did about eighty-seven previews that rats were on the menu that day, and your dumb ass sat there watching.

mycathatesyou.com - somehow I got this link. I don't quite remember how. I don't know why. I just like the name.

March 20th - I have a new favorite holiday.


Blogger Matt said...

Dan Rather has nothing on you... i especially enjoyed the surfer style reporting you did about the massive killing spree. And the fear facter story... duh... turn off the damn tv people!

Sat Jan 08, 11:21:00 PM CST  
Blogger noe said...

what would i do without my mr t news?!

Sun Jan 09, 09:02:00 AM CST  

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