Rules of Grammar
Incorrect usage: Michael , my boy , American Idol rocks ! Here's the problem . It's hard to love , or even like for that matter , something you haven't seen ?
Proper: Michael, my boy, American Idol rocks! Here's the problem. It's hard to love, or even like for that matter, something you haven't seen.
Proofread your work. Spellcheck may let things slip by.
Incorrect: Yeah that's funny you slimmy bunkshooter.
Correct: Yes, that is funny you slimy bunkshooter. (I am not sure what a bunkshooter is, so anyone who could provide a defination would be appreciated.)
Proofread to make sure your statments make sense.
Incorrect: Now put your finger in the wound and twist it around . That's your kind of humor right.
Correct: Now take your finger and shove it up your ass. Now the fist. Do that with the other hand. Now clap. That's your kind of humor, right? That's what Simon loves, I know that from experiance.
Now, lets take a look at a full paragraph.
Michael, Michael, (there is no space in between punctuation)
Now you're (as in you are, not your) questioning my intelligence? (no space needed) American Idol was your topic. You invited commentary and I chose to opine mine (this statement doesn't make sense, since "opine" means to offer ones opinion, therefore the mine is uneccessary. Again, no space needed) When does the humor part start? (no space again) No thanks on the suggestion of listening to Pavarotti singing "O Solo Mio." (again, spaces unnecessary) I'll take Frogman Henry any day of the week. (Is frogman Henry a character on Sesame Street?) You were right about one thing though. (I am not listing the space again after this, but I will note that is a sentence fragment.) Music is human choice that is defined by the listener as either enjoyable or not enjoyable. Its a personal choice.
According to you, "very dry sarcasm" is humor. Using that definition I would like to be funny, Gravy Head. (that is one complete sentence, therefore a period would have made an effective end, not a comma. A comma created what is called a run on sentence class.) Your stuff should be read to amnesia patients as therapy! (I don't understand that supposed insult. If my writings would be able to restore the memories of those suffering from amnesia, I take that as a compliment that my writing is that thought provoking.)
I am not an english major. I know my blog contains mispellings, and other grammatical errors. They do not exist in every sentence I type. If an individual wants to be taken seriously in the "grown up" world, one must learn the rules of grammar. One is not taken seriously, or as having a high level of intellect, if they are unable to create a readable text.
Also, the high level of insults, such as "Gravy Head" are very childish and unoriginal. So class, point and laugh at the little boy who can't comprehend that my last post was a commentary on pop stars. Many famous musicians have had many issues, that are well documented. That referance was tied in to the television show American Idol, since two contestants had past troubles, both of which have been cleared. Just like many other musicians, actors and actresses in the world.
Michael , Michael ,
Now your questioning my intelligence ? American Idol was your topic. You invited commentary and I chose to opine mine . When does the humor part start ?
No thanks for the suggestion that I listen to Pavarotti singing " O solo mio ." I'll take Frogman Henry anyday of the week .
You were right about one thing though . Music is a human pleasure that is defined by the human as either enjoyable or not enjoyable . It's a personal choice.
According to you " very dry sarcasm " is humor . Using that definition I would like to be funny , Gravy Head , your stuff should be read to amnesia patients as therapy !