June 01, 2005

Alan Jackson Wants a Ford Truck or Two

I just love coming across all these little boycots on the web. 90% of them are false, and the remaining 10% you really can't do much about anyway. So, people read them, get all worked up, forward out the message to everyone they know, then go and buy from that company the next day.

Now there is a boycott against Ford and all its other auto manufacturers: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Jaguar, Mazda, Volvo, and Land Rover. Why? Because they support the homosexual agenda.

Yup, the AFA (Assholes For Alzheimers) are starting a boycott since, according to their webpage, Ford has an excellent track record of not discriminating against people due to their sexuality. They also say that Ford donates money to GLAAD.

The fun thing is, they let you sign the petition on the web page. So I signed it as "Manwho Sucksmenoff." (boycott page link)

Might I add, I am now an even prouder owner of a Mazda. Mazda, who is in the Ford Motor corporation.

So listen to Alan Jackson, and buy yourself a Ford truck or two.


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