September 25, 2005

Rally To Support War Draws...

If any of you keep on on the news besides through me, a few days ago there was a protest rally in DC against the war in Iraq. So, another group of our fellow Americans, decided to have a rally in support of the war. The numbers of people showing up varied slightly. Protest against the war was estimated at over 100,000 people. Rally in support of killing Iraqi's in the name of their freedom, 400. Give or take a couple people of course.

The organizers were hoping for a larger turnout.

While reading the article, I read quotes about what my breed, the commie liberal who opposes the war thinks. They are all wrong. So, once again, I shall repeat my beliefs.

I have the deepest and utmost respect for our soldiers. I would be honored to shake their hands, and applaud them as they come back from Iraq. They have and do a job I myself am incapable of doing. I wish them all success in their missions, and hope they can come home soon, victorious.

It isn't the soldiers we protest. We protest the decisions of our PRESIDENT and GOVERNMENT. We protest our fellow American's being hurt, maimed, and killed for oil. The war isn't about Iraqi freedom. The war was about WMD's, terrorism, and the threat Saddam Hussein represented. All that evidence supporting that was known to be bad going in, and has since proven to be completely false. No WMD's, no ties to terrorism, and Saddam posed a far less threat to us than many other nations (North Korea anyone? Afghanistan where Bin Laden is still hanging out?)

And don't give me the Iraqi's are better off now. The estimated death toll since our invasion of Iraq is over 100,000 people, most of them being innocent civilians. (Being dead doesn't sound like an improvement to me.) That bests Saddam's killings. The entire country is destablized, and its getting worse. That is what our brothers and sisters have shed their lives for. Vietnam Jr.

I haven't heard this one in a while, but don't use the anti-American thing on us either. By raising our voices in protest, we are enacting our freedom of speech, and our right to public assembly. That is being an American. Not doing what the ruler wants you to do.

*gets off his repeat offense soapbox*


Blogger Jenni said...

THANK YOU!!! I need to somehow anonymously email your articulate blog to my uber-conservative mother and grandmother, both of whom feel criticism is unpatriotic. Funny, I thought our country's founding was based upon political dissent. And you'll love this. My mom has definitely used the "But the Iraqis are better off" speech and also claims that the war was NEVER about WMDs (I know, it's horrifying that I am admitting to being related to her at times like these!) - it was solely about ending Saddam's regime. When I suggested that our resources, currently in Iraq, could be hunting Bin Laden, my mum replied, "Maybe we already have Bin Laden already." OH. MY. GOD. The horror. Like Bush would waste a glory moment...

Anyway, thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking for ages!

Mon Sep 26, 11:54:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

Parents can be some of the worst people to try to hold a political discussion with. I know a few times I've talked to my dad, and I can guarentee he still sees me as an 8 year old talking about world issues.

I've learned its pointless to argue, unless he starts it. Luckily, he just wants to talk about the Sox and the Bears.

Tue Sep 27, 12:14:00 AM CDT  

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