September 23, 2005

The Truth Behind Katrina

I think I have it all figured out now. The real truth behind hurricane Katrina.

Bush isn't fully to blame, although he is an accomplice. The real genius behind it all is a direct descendant of Rasputin... yes... Dick Cheney.

See, Dick came up with this plan a while back. He had dubs start the war with Iraq, so dubs would pull money away from the upgrading New Orleans levees. Dickputin the Dark created Hurricane Katrina with his black magic. Then, when the hurricane was coming, dubs didn't tell the Governor of Louisiana, and the Mayor of New Orleans to do a mandatory evacuation, even though it isn't dubs job to do so, till the day before.

With the weakened levee's and Dicksputin's powerful unnatural storm hitting New Orleans, the levee's broke, and the city flooded. Why would Dicksputin want this to happen? Simple, so Halliburton could get yet another no bid contract to rebuild the city. (What better way to show off a capitalist economy than to give all the government related work out to friends, through no-bid contracts.)

There was a lot of negative pressure on dubs, and his horribly appointed administration, that the damage done wasn't what Dicksputin had in mind, so he had to cause a distraction. Through his evil genius, Dicksputin sent off Condeleeza to go shoe shopping. The ploy worked, as everyone jumped off the blame dubs bandwagon and decided to start blaming her because she had the nerve to go shopping when she was off work!!!

Oh, heaven forbid someone who works a government job actually have and use free time to do something they enjoy. If there is anything going on in the world, they shouldn't do anything to get away, unwind, and relax. We want our politicians to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We all know Michael Moore doesn't even sleep, bathe, or stop to buy deoderant during a crisis, (although he will buy Hot Dogs by the gross.)

And THAT my friends, is the real story behind Katrina.


Blogger gregor said...

pure genius!

Fri Sep 23, 01:44:00 PM CDT  

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