September 19, 2005

Old Fashioned News

Oddballs More Creative - Recent study showed people who exibit schitzophrenic-like conditions (schizotypal) are usually more creative than normal people, or those that are fully nuts. I must agree, and disagree. People that are a bit out there (Van Gogh, Einstein, Gallagher) are by far more creative thinkers than "normal" folks. I don't know if they are necessarily more creative thinkers than the fully insane (Charles Manson, that smelly guy on the El that talks to himself, dubs.) Better thinkers yes, but not more creative. I mean, if any of you remember that joke, about the guy looking for a quarter for hours in his house, but losing it outside. That's creative, but bad. Like blowing up Iraq because of a guy in Afghanistan crazy. To them it makes sense, but it is really ineffective.

Life On Mars - Scientists found more evidence that Mars may have life. They found trace amounts of methane (garbage/fart gas) on the planet. We know that there can't be life on mars though, because it would say so in the bible. Just like it says the earth is flat, and the sun and all the planets revolve around it. I mean, how can we know, we haven't been there? I'll believe there is life on mars when I stand on its surface and smell a martian fart.
(I'm going to Hell for all this sarcasm, and I really, really need to stop it. On second thought, no I don't. God's laughing with me. The almighty has to have a sense of humor, what else explains peoples faces during sex?)

Oh, Canada, please take our unwanted Lake... - What do you do when you have a lake that is too big? Start pumping the water north of the border, to Canada. Make sure to include all the toxic sludge, mutant hybrid North Korean fish, and scientifically engineered fungus from the lake there too. It will help balance the eco-system.


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