November 18, 2006

Burka Ban

Dear Governments,

Quit banning stuff. You just end up making yourselves look like a bunch of intolerant asshats when you come up with some of these ideas. You can't fight someone elses cause... let alone take up a cause for some that don't even agree with you.

We have way too many self important people running around, its pathetic. Do a little research, and you'll find out many Muslim women actually like and identify with their own religion and culture!!! Whoa... there's a shock.

So, if you wanna put up a fight to take a law off the books that forces them to wear a hijab, scarlet letter, burka, crusifix, dress, etc. feel free. No one should be forced into wearing something they don't want to. BUT... Don't force people to not wear something either.

The entire "It promotes equality" is a bunch of bullshit. You can't create equality by taking away rights from one group. Sounds a bit one sided to me. Besides, people need to learn how to be tolerant of others, not force everyone to fit into the mold the majority wants everyone in.

I walk down the halls of my university, I see people of every race and religion known to man. Guess what? Even Muslim women. They range from I have no clue they are because they don't do anything, to full on stereotypical dress, to wearing a hijab with their shirt and jeans.

No one stampedes away.

I haven't seen anyone faint yet.


Its called tolerance. Some folks need to learn about it.


Blogger Froyd said...

you think that the US is bad for this, you should see what France is and has been doing in their public schools for years for jews, xtians and muslims.

Sat Nov 18, 09:01:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

this rant was particularly focused on the Dutch, but the French are a bunch of asshats too.

The last thing I would want is a secular society. Religion is a strong part is most of the worlds lives.

I may be driven nuts by evengelics skipping around talking about their relationship with jesus and how awesome everything is and all that shiny crap. I'll also defend their right to say all that.

Everyone in the world should be able to warship the divinity of their choice, and wear what they want to. If that becomes too much of a problem, we have two choices: everyone walk around naked, or everyone walk around in a burka. All or nothing at all.

heehee... tobacco companies would love everyone in a burka. I figure it'd be hard to smoke wearing one of those...

...and picture the stories of picking someone up at a bar if all men and women were wearing burkas...

Sun Nov 19, 02:18:00 AM CST  
Blogger Froyd said...

her burka was so tight!

How tight was it, Ali?

So tight, I could see her breathing!

Praise Allah!

Sun Nov 19, 01:23:00 PM CST  
Blogger Teri said...

i recently heard someone way cooler than me (a middle eastern christian, incidentally) say that "tolerance" is what we do until people will go away or become like us. "acceptance" is what we should strive for. I loved your rant and think that "acceptance" is what you're advocating. bring it on!

Tue Nov 21, 06:53:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

acceptance is a better word for it. I'd accept tolerance though at this point. Might actually build up to some acceptance.

Wed Nov 22, 02:38:00 AM CST  

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