May 16, 2007

Vista Sales Good?

Windows Vista sales figures have been above projections.

All I can say to that is best of luck suckers.

New operating systems are the work of the devil. You don't touch them unless you are forced to. They are loaded with holes, break downs, and other problems. Wait a minimum of one year, or preferably, until the first service pack comes out. It will save you a TON of headaches.

I'll continue to run along with my well tested and stable, Windows XP until then. That and my dual boot laptop with XP and Linux.


Blogger The Oddity said...

My new computer (Jan 07) came with a free upgrade but there was NO way in HELL I was going to get it straight of the gate.
I'm with you.
Fix the problems and THEN I'll sign on.

Wed May 16, 06:57:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Agent Black said...

How do you feel about the Mac? I've been a since-birth PC kind of girl.... The thought of a Mac scares me, but you can't deny their marketing... it's damn good...

Thu May 17, 11:51:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

Oddity - You bought at the right time, the end of an OS when they knew what most of the situation with the new OS would be. My PC is "Vista Ready" so if I wanted to I could upgrade.

Agent Black - Like most PC dorks, I don't like Macs. Simply because with my more intimate PC knowledge, I can't do anything with one. I'm naturally biased. BUT...

Realistically their marketing is phenominal, but marketing doesn't really mean much. As systems go, I will not knock the mac OS. Its well designed and stable. The problem with Mac's is their hardware. A good PC will long outlive a Mac. Not to mention, if something breaks on my PC I can replace it. Macs... not really. The DVD burner in a box at best buy will work on my dell, or my old gateway, or someones HP, but not any Mac. Have to get it serviced through them.

OK... I've rambled long enough.

Thu May 17, 12:17:00 PM CDT  

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