November 08, 2004

Weekly Schedule

I am beginning to come up with my schedule for this blog. (don't try to change my mind, I'm a half-perfectionist who pays too much attention to detail, and finds too much comfort in routine.)

Tues-CD review

Yes, I know that isn't even half the week, but I'll come across other stuff that could be fun as far as the routine goes, and there will always be the random postings on... whatever. I just think I need a good 5 regular days. I like cartoons, I have fun doing my version of the news (got compliments too), and I like doing music reviews (got a compliment on that one in person.). Movies, as much as I like, I am not a big enough movie buff to keep that going too well. I could do some randoms, but nothing weekly. Can only review Star Wars and Strange Brew so many times. Maybe a beverage day... Don't know yet. Shall see.............


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