February 22, 2005

Another Week, An Udder Poll

Last weeks poll gets the killing. A fresh and crispity crunchity poll gets brought in. Here are results of previous polls.

What did you get for VD?
  1. 80% That day is like a papercut. Thanks for pouring lemonjuice into the wound.
  2. 20% Some flowers that will be dead in a few days.
  3. 0% One of those cool beyonce foil cards; Mmmmm. Chocolate; I'm not telling, that is between me, some ice cubes, a pitching wedge, and a stuffed bear.

President 2008 race
  1. 35% Homer Simpson with the Bee
  2. 32% Dave Chappelle as RICK JAMES BITCH!!!
  3. 23% Michael Moore with extra cheese
  4. 10% Bill O'Reilly with a falafel
The new poll is: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
  • Super strength. I would be able to pick up H2's and juggle with them
  • X-Ray vision. See through walls. See through clothes. See through the dirty windshield on my car...
  • Care Bear Stare. First Target.... Dick Cheney.
  • The ability to have my entire house and car cleaned at the snap of my fingers.
Happy polling people. Vote or cry.


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