July 18, 2005

Beware... The Chupacabra is Coming

Once again, there has been a Chupacabra incident. It seems the fabled beast is traveling northwards, as the incident happened in Texas.

For those who don't know, the Chupacabra is a cryptozoological creature. It has been predominantly sited in Mexico and Puerto Rico. They are believed to be 3-5 feet tall, with sharp fangs, glowing red eyes, and they smell like sulphur. They kill their victims, usually chickens and goats, and suck their blood (and sometimes organs) from their bodies.

On a few occasions, the Chupacabra has been known to attack humans, but it is extremely rare.

So, if you live in the south, beware, the Chupacabra is coming, and will eat your livestock!!!

Here's an artists rendering of the Chupacabra.


Blogger Froyd said...

chupacabra's are awesome. I want one as a pet.

Tue Jul 19, 09:37:00 AM CDT  

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