July 08, 2005

You May Say That I'm a Dreamer

With recent happenings in the world, the fear of terrorism has spread and begun to run rampant again. I go from blog to blog, and read about it. These posts range from expressing sympathy to those who have suffered loss, to posts of disapproval of our own war on terror, to posts against Islam.

It is the last of that group that just disgust me. With all of the wars Christianity has waged against others in the name of religion (the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades) Christians have no right to infer that our religion can't do anything bad in its name.

On the same note, in the past hundred years, there was a war on a Religion. Millions of people were killed because the rulership of those countries thought that religion was a threat to their existance. The Holocaust killed millions of innocent people. It was one of the darkest periods in human history. By calling on a destruction of Islam, puts an individual standing on the same ground as Adolph Hitler.

Putting a terrorist on trial is a noble cause. Labeling an entire religion as evil and condemning all who practice its faith as being an enemy isn't. That is called genocide.

So everyone, stop finding a scapegoat for your fears. In order to put an end to the violence taking over the world, we have to find the culprit, not blindly lash out.

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - Yoda


Blogger Matt said...

I love the quote micheal. I have delt with terrorism in this way: pretend it isn't there by playing hours of grand theft auto. This I do know, anyone who follows the teachings of christ can not blow up innocent people, we are supposed to love our enemies, This philosophy seems to be missing in islam. I want a Gene Roddenberry future to come to pass, however, these guys that blow up innocent people must be dealt with, klingon style if necessary.

Fri Jul 08, 08:46:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

Yeah, I agree with you wholeheartedly on the guys who do the crazy shit need to be dealt with. I just can't stand the condemnation of an entire religion by some people.

I'm still dreaming of that star trek future myself.

Fri Jul 08, 09:22:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Froyd said...

I will point out that the crusades were started because the muslims in control at that time barred pilgrims from going to jerusalem, at a time when pilgrimage was a very important part in the medieval church.

as for the inquisition...well, that's what happens when you let the spaniards run things!

Sat Jul 09, 10:08:00 AM CDT  

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