July 05, 2005

NASA Changes Future

The first of possibly many lawsuits has been filed against NASA. A woman in Moscow is suing NASA for 300 million dollars because by crashing a satellite into a comet, it alters her horoscope.

This is terrible that NASA is so oblivious to the rammifications of its actions. Millions could live or die just because of the alignment of objects in the heavens. By doing such acts in the name of junk science, the very basis of all that we know and are used to could change.

A comet might seem insignificant, but what if NASA decides it wants to keep Mercury from going into retrograde? What will happen to a Virgo like me? I won't have my brief moment of not being myself. This could destroy the very foundation of our entire world!!!

We must save the future, and end all space exploration before we alter the cosmos. We don't know the rammifications on people by doing things out there. We already know what happened to religion when that heritic said the sun was the center of the solar system, and not earth.



Blogger Matt said...

Fuck life! I'm sueing humanity for building esspresso stands, and now that I think about it, I'm not at all happy about all the symbiotic creatures burrowing in my skin right now. reality is a color field oil painting and i'm fuming mad that other people exist in the universe. Give me a trilloion dollars...now!

Wed Jul 06, 02:48:00 PM CDT  

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