June 28, 2005

That Octogon Shaped Red Sign

Yesterday I was driving to a friend of mine's house to go swimming. The weather out here the past week has been in the mid nineties and humid (I think that translates to 36 celcius). The pool water was 90 degrees yesterday I might add. Warm bath water, oh yes.

During my trip out, I approached a sign at the side of the road. I slowed down. This sign, was red, and in the shape of an octogon. I then read the letters on the sign. S-T-O-P. Hmmm... this must be some sort of traffic regulating sign. So, I did what it said, I applied my brakes and began to stop my car.

This is when I heard a big ass Jeep Grand Cherokee behind me honking its horn. I look in my rear view mirror, to try to comprehend why they are beeping at me. I then stopped, paused for a second as I was confused to why they were beeping, and took off since I couldn't figure out why.

I then kept driving, and approached yet ANOTHER stop sign. I began to slow... and they started beeping again. I clearly hadn't even stopped yet, at a busy 4 way stop intersection, and they were beeping AGAIN.

I kept going about my merry way, as the beep happy Jeep turned. When I arrived, I walked around my car, to see if anything out of the ordinary was up, like a human arm hanging out of my trunk, a dog on a leesh tied up to the back... something. Not a damn thing wrong.

So, the person who was horn honk happy, just wanted me to not stop. By beeping, they made me stop LONGER trying to figure out why the fuck they were on their horn like it was going to cause world peace and find a cure for cancer.

I really wish I would have pulled into the gas station they turned into, gotton out of my car, and beaten them and/or their gas guzzling SUV to itty bitty pieces with some sort of large, blunt, metal object, like a tire iron.

Too bad I'm a hippy, and detest violence.


Blogger Michael said...

nah, i don't smell like funk and/or patchuli.

I'm a nu-hippy. we bathe and live in homes, not vans and station wagons. Have to have indoor plumbing.

Oh, and we don't gather around campfires singing kumbaya, give peace a chance, etc. We listen to stuff like... system of a down and rage against the machine.

Wed Jun 29, 12:13:00 AM CDT  

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