June 29, 2005

They Can Take Your House, and Mine?

(stoldid from Practically Harmless, who stoldid it from Martians Attacking Indianapolis)

I've read a few posts in the blog world, about the Kelo vs. the city of New London case, how the Connecticut supreme court has ruled in favor of immonent domain. This is where a city can take someones property (land) if it is for a benefit to the community, as long as the holder is rightly compensated. This is typically done in slums, where the area greatly needs a change. In this case however, the neighborhood is not a slum. It isn't a paradise of fine homes by any means, but a modest community. This communities homes are going to taken by the local government, and sold to developers, so that the area can be built on by businesses, which will create larger tax revenues for the city.

As always, there is a special little twist that comes out of such great ideas. Another community is going to use the same ruling as a reason for selling a few peoples homes out from under them, to private business. One of those homes belongs to one of the Justices who voted for the ruling. So by his own decision, Justice David H. Souter may very well be homeless. Congratulations for the self eviction Davey boy!!!


Blogger MiMi said...

I think it's called emminent domain. And that's funny that Souter's house will be sold. Hadn't heard that one yet...although I think that I respect the decision of the Supremes. You should post about Grokster. I am sure there are more blogs about that one than the government selling off people's homes. Internet music swapping certainly SEEMS more important than the government's ability to take away your property.

Wed Jun 29, 05:47:00 PM CDT  

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