July 01, 2005

Feminism Confuses Men

Ladies, ever think that men are confusing? Well, that is simply because we are confused ourselves. The modern woman having a stronger role in society has left men wandering around, scratching themselves going "ok, so what am I supposed to do?" As women have re-defined their roles in society, they have left our traditional roles in limbo.

If we show the older, archaic roles of what a man is in society, we would be deemed as being chauvenist dinosaurs from a time long past. While in turn, if we are too dosile, we are considered weak poor excuses for men. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.

Over 50% of men in the US feel their role in society is unclear. The increase in male confusion is not just a US trait, as the study was done in ten countries, and all show new high levels in male confusion as to their societal roles.

These findings are in no way an assault on feminism, and the female movement. It is just a appeal to be understanding to the men in the world. As women have chiseled out a new place in society, men have had their place altered, and need to figure out exactly what that new role is.



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