July 12, 2005

Dumbass: A Definition

Here is a tale, a tale of great stupidity. It is also the tale of a crook.

A man steals another man's cell phone. The phone rings, repeatedly. He never shuts it off. The man who the cell phone belongs to, catches up to the theif, and asks for his phone back. The theif gives it to him, then punches him. Police are called, the theif is arrested.

Note: the theif has a prior record. He broke into a retired Texas Ranger's house, and got his ass beat by the retired man. The theif has beaten up an old woman, and has many other minor offenses on his record.

While in court, the prosecuters offer him a plea bargin of 15 years, the minimum sentence they can give him with his record. He refuses. The case goes to trial.

The defendent/theif cusses out the jury, gives obscene hand gestures to witnesses, and tells the jury if he wants to steal something, he will. He also tells them they can sentence him for life in jail, it doesn't matter.

So, he was sentenced to 99 years in prison. He is a mental giant.