July 23, 2005

...It's What's For Dinner

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
and no one can talk to a horse, of course,
especially of course, if the main course,
Is the famous Mr. Ed!!!

Oh yes, a restaurant in New Zealand is offering a meal on its menu called "Mr. Ed is Dead." The meal consists of a char grilled horse steak. Mmmmm... sound tasty?

The place is getting a lot of complaints, but is also selling a lot of horse meat. Its part of a month long contest in that area to see which restaurant can offer up the most unique entree.

Me being more or less a city boy, looks at a horse like I do a cow. Its some farmyard animal, that might make a decent meal. The thought of grilling a horse doesn't offend me at all.

Then, I think of people who have horses as pets. I can completely understand them getting aggravated, and complaining how barbaric it is. I know I'd get pissed off if I found out some place was selling grilled kitty steaks, or k9 surprise stew.

Maybe we spend too much time humanizing animals. No matter where you go, animals are held in different regards. In some places eating dog is common, while here, it is against the law. The same as in some cultures me eating a hamburger would be outragious, a huge moral wrong.

So people eat what ya want. Just kill the animal in as humane a way as possible, and stay the fuck away from my pets!!!

Besides, I've heard guinea pig is quite the delicacy in some places, so I might need to try that one day.


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