December 20, 2005

Pennsylvania Judge Hates FSM, people, puppies, and America

In a stand by those damn moderates, who try to consume America with their logical belief system, has shot down intelligent design as being a re-packaged version of creationism.

How dare he step on the faith driven truths that are brought to us by the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and his version of ID. HOW DARE HE!!!

How can we ever know anything that happened before we remember anything? Simple, ask someone who was: the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It is Him who made the mountains, trees and midgets.

Darwin didn't make anything, except some damn tasty pan fried finch. He would use different types from different areas of the island, where throughout hundreds of thousands of years had likely become more specialized to surviving in their environment. Each one adding a slightly different flavor to the dish, due to the foods they ate.

He then lightly seasoned them, pan fried them, and deglazed the pan with some white wine, which made this absolutely amazing sauce... wait, where was I... Oh, yes, Intelligent Design.

That naughty, bad, bad man in Pennsylvania is persecuting me, because he doesn't think my beliefs should be forced on everyone else. Doesn't that judge know that only what I believe in, is right, and everyone elses beliefs are wrong. I have the majority at this computer. Therefore, since me and my 18 year old cat believe the FSM theory, it must be true.


My civil rights have been taken away, even though nothing has changed, and I have the same rights as everyone else. Spread the word of the FSM!!! Dress like a pirate and protest outside the courthouse in Pennsylvania!!!

Pastafarian Unity 4-EVA!!!

(wonders if he got this bump on his head from falling off the soapbox the other day)


Blogger Froyd said...

haven't you already been violated by his noodly appendage?

Tue Dec 20, 04:53:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

You can't violate the willing my friend.

Wed Dec 21, 01:10:00 AM CST  

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