Punxsutawney Phil is a Jive Turkey
It is that time of year again. When that little biznitch Punkuhtawnee Phil comes out and acts like he has some sort of super powers. We all know he ain't nothin.
Long term followers know that I had my own groundhog like animal to predict the end of winter. Unfortuneately, after accurately picking the end of winter for 18 straight years, the Foo Fighter became one with the force.
So, for this year, I bring forth her protege. The kitten turned cat turned groundhog that she had many battles with before she moved. The cat who then tormented the Foo Fighters littermate (my cat) afterword. I bring you, the Siamese style fighting cat known as...
In case you couldn't tell, the Meesh is ferocious. Its in her nature, being a siamese style fighting cat. She has to be fierce. She brings fear into the hearts of other's by her mere appearance.
It is easy to tell when she is preparing to attack, since her eyes glow red. (actual picture)
This year, the Meesh in her overstuffed sausage form, has made it her duty to do the Foo Fighter justice, and predict if winter was over, or if it would last longer.
The Meesh did not see her shadow today. This aggravated Meesh. So, after slaughtering a colony of helpless Jawas, she decided she wants warm weather, birdies to watch, and endless sunbeams. So, she decided to let us all have spring early.
Now, thank the Meesh, or she will hunt you down and destroy your weak human body.
Long term followers know that I had my own groundhog like animal to predict the end of winter. Unfortuneately, after accurately picking the end of winter for 18 straight years, the Foo Fighter became one with the force.
So, for this year, I bring forth her protege. The kitten turned cat turned groundhog that she had many battles with before she moved. The cat who then tormented the Foo Fighters littermate (my cat) afterword. I bring you, the Siamese style fighting cat known as...
In case you couldn't tell, the Meesh is ferocious. Its in her nature, being a siamese style fighting cat. She has to be fierce. She brings fear into the hearts of other's by her mere appearance.
It is easy to tell when she is preparing to attack, since her eyes glow red. (actual picture)
This year, the Meesh in her overstuffed sausage form, has made it her duty to do the Foo Fighter justice, and predict if winter was over, or if it would last longer.
The Meesh did not see her shadow today. This aggravated Meesh. So, after slaughtering a colony of helpless Jawas, she decided she wants warm weather, birdies to watch, and endless sunbeams. So, she decided to let us all have spring early.
Now, thank the Meesh, or she will hunt you down and destroy your weak human body.
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