April 01, 2006

President George W. Bush is Right

  1. There are WMD's in Iraq, we just haven't found them yet.
  2. Saddam is a bigger threat than Iran, Kim Jong Il, and Qui Gon Jinn.
  3. Dick Cheney is a caring and sensitive man, so be nice, he cries easily.
  4. It is pronounced "Nuke-ler."
  5. The people of Iraq are bowing down to President Bush, their lord and savior.
  6. Jenna is a good girl, and virginal.
  7. Spying on everyone is good for the country, as being watched supports our freedom.
  8. We don't have to worry about national debt, we can just print more money and pay it off.
  9. By pulling money out of Social Security, it makes it last longer.
  10. Halliburton loves you, and me, and the flowers, and the trees...
  11. Seperation of church and state means that the state you live in can't change your religion, as long as you are a non-catholic Christian.
  12. We were always going to Iraq to overthrow Saddam.
  13. We were always going to Iraq to bring Democracy.
  14. We were never going to Iraq because of WMD's. Why do we all know what WMD's are? Its pre programmed in our brains, like the word "Ewoks."
  15. Every aspect of the government responded quickly to Hurricane Katrina, the media blew it all out of proportion.
  16. If we change the way we live, the terrorists win, so please, do what our all powerful leader says, and give up more rights.
  17. The right to free speech is outdated. We need a new ammendment that grants us the right to compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission... all of which are American Dreams...
  18. Pulling money away from the poorer schools helps them to improve.
  19. Jesus Christ can hit a curve ball Serrano!!!
  20. If two men or women get married, the stock market will collapse, the sun will stop shining, and a great flood will be unleashed upon the US. Therefore, we must continue to discriminate against homosexuals control the efforts of THE DEBBIL!!!

Yeah, it's April Fool's Day...


Blogger Froyd said...

other than the fact that chemical weapons HAVE been found, your list is comical.

Sat Apr 01, 01:28:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

yeah, they did find chemical weapons factories that had been abandoned in 1993...

Sat Apr 01, 01:30:00 PM CST  
Blogger Froyd said...

check it

Sat Apr 01, 02:46:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

One problem my friend.

I can't submit a .org as a source on a freshman college english paper. They are deemed biast and unreliable.

So, your source may be very accurate, or it could be false.

And coming from "The Vangaurd," which is a politically biast Republican ran website... I can't place any support behind the truthfulness of the article.

Give me something from a reliable source, and I would change my stance. Until then, no WMD's in Iraq.

Sat Apr 01, 02:55:00 PM CST  
Blogger Froyd said...

dude, obviously you are a higher level student...my freshman wouldn't have understood the "org" part of the address and would have made an argument like

"well, these people don't allow us to drink under the age of 21 so I don't believe anything..."

"party on"

"i'm with stoopid"

and other equally inane arguments.

as for this:
"politically biast Republican ran website... I can't place any support behind the truthfulness of the article."

cause God knows that the dems have a lock on the truth. heil pelosi!

Sat Apr 01, 03:22:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...


I wouldn't accept a dem .org either, and nowhere do I claim everyone is truthful and non biased.

As far as the modern youth go... EEK!!!

I don't understand em. Then again, I'm practically two generations away from a college freshman in age. I'm more worried about the taste of the alcohol than how quick it will get me drunk... although the longer it takes is now the preferred.

Damn I'm old.

Sat Apr 01, 03:33:00 PM CST  
Blogger Jose said...

I'll try to be as unbiased as I can:

Saddam had some scary shit out there. I saw one of his chemical factories and even though I am by no means an expert in any of that stuff I can bet that if he didn't have WMD s he really wanted to get them. Then again, What do I know? I am just a dumb infantryman. One thing is for sure, Saddam wasn't a nice guy. Yes I know that doesn't justify invading a country, but still, the world has one less opressive dictator. (57 to go?)

Mon Apr 03, 07:31:00 AM CDT  
Blogger christine said...

maybe we should be less concerned with the atrocities elsewhere and focus on those closer to home. then again, i could be asking for too much from a country who knows more Simpsons characters than founding fathers. doh!

Mon Apr 03, 10:29:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

Jose - I can agree with the general basis of what you said. He was an oppressive dictator, and had some incredibly scary weapons in the past.

It was the basis of the war has been a lie. That is one thing I can, and will, never support: the people I trust my country and our lives to lying to us about an issue that directly effects all of us. Deep down, I think everyone in this country has been mislead from the beginning on Iraq.

Mon Apr 03, 02:27:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Froyd said...

just think of it as an early april fool's day joke!

Tue Apr 04, 12:57:00 PM CDT  

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