July 25, 2006

Caught In The Wave of The World Around Me

I've been avoiding it.

I've been searching for things to write about but I just haven't been able to find much, since everywhere I turn... IT'S in my face.

Now, I'm going to finally break the silence on what I've been avoiding: Israel.

Lets get to the basics, shall we?

Israel has two of its soldiers captured by a terror cell operating in southern Lebenon. Since Lebenon has been just beginning to establish a Democracy after years of Syrian control, they don't have any sort of military. Because of that, when Israel had their soldiers captured, the country simply didn't have the resources to control the problem. Of course, the terrorist idiots start firing rockets into Israel.

So, Israel does what is well within its rights and defends itself. Problem is, Israel has historically tended to use every weapon in their power as a counter strike. Its like trying to kill the mosquito that bit you with a sledge hammer. If you manage to connect, your going to take out a lot more than the offending mosquito. Their reaction is akin to if the US responded to 9/11 by turning Afghanistan into "Radioactivstan."

In other words, the whole world gets bent over and violated by a small group of yahoos.

Israel looks worse because they are defending themselves from terror cells, and it destroys the small amount of relations they have with other middle eastern countries. Of course the only reason why it goes on as long as it does is because the west has been on its knees servicing Israel since its long time ago historical beginning... 1947 right?

Lebenon, which was developing into what we want in the Middle east, a democracy, ends up getting bombed back to the stone age, practically destroying everything the country had been working towards.

All because of a handful of crazies.

Hopefully the UN actually works for a change, and gets things under control, or the Middle East situation is going to continue to spiral down into World War III... or WW4 if you count the cold war as WW3.

Then again, with Israel "accidentally" killing the UN forces getting deployed... who knows how well that's gonna go.


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