July 30, 2006

Skunk, Skin, and Sevendust

A few weeks ago, I got a CD from the UK with a wide selection of bands on it. Of course, me being the metalhead, got attached quickly to one song by a band called Skunk Anansie. I'm still amazed by the lead vocalists voice.

I ended up picking up that CD, and although the song I first heard, Charlie Big Potato is the heaviest song on the disc, and the other stuff is a bit more pop rock, I really dig the CD and will probably order another disc from amazon by them.

I've been catching a lot of music videos via Utube lately, thanks to Miss Gothie Goodness, so I looked them up. I found the video for the song that got me hooked.

Then I looked at the sidebar, and I found out that the lead singer from this band that broke up 5 years ago happened to record a duet that I was actually very familiar with, as it was with the band Sevendust, a metal band I'm particularly addicted to.

small world eh?


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